
British Middle East Expert: 'F--- the Jews'

nyc redneck2/09/2009 1:06:30 pm PST

re: #643 LGoPs

I’ve often wondered the same and I think that perhaps it can be reduced to none other than base envy and resentment. Jews, through diligence and toil and determination, have generally been prosperous and I think this gives rise to that sort of envy based resentment and hate. Rather than being viewed as something to copy and emulate people would rather destroy it.
It’s terrible adn reprehensible and in some ways it is the same base emotions that fuel Marxism and all the good little commies…….
Just my humble opinion……

haters are going to hate. it is easy to get away w/ hatred against jews.
what happened to those assholes in fla. who were marching w/ signs that said,’jews to the ovens”? nothing happened to them. their behavior hardly got noticed.
imagine if people marched w/ placards that said ‘moslems to the ovens’.
or a cartoon is drawn of the pedophile , or a koran is burned.
all hell breaks loose everywhere.
this is part of what we are looking at.
fear of riling the savages.