
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

HoosierHoops2/19/2009 1:53:01 pm PST

re: #593 Dragonwolf

Last time I checked scientific research they had realized that there are instances where those equations of your’s don’t quite hold up. (in sub-atomic areas where gravitics and angular momentum don’t follow prescribed patterns - and around black holes where pretty much everything gets screwy)

That equations they show me that are fully consistent with all experimental observations I will accept, for now.

To accept what we have now as the final answer would be bad science.

Where the Hell did I even remotely imply that science currently is the final answer or has even come close to the secrets of the Universe?
Just to be clear.. I don’t think you know what the hell you are talking about.
Next time you come to a thread about science and scientific methods do us all a favor and skip it…