
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

Sharmuta5/05/2009 6:16:12 pm PDT

re: #629 jvic

How many on the right would trust the government with their healthcare? Retirement? Ability to run low income housing? Probably not many. I sure don’t.

Basically- anything the government gets involved in, it makes worse, with few exceptions, such as national defense, but I’m sure some might even argue that point.

When you think back in our recent history, when did our society start getting “ill”, as some say? Many of the RRs point to the removal of prayer from schools, but I don’t think that’s it. I think the cause is the war on poverty. It was at that point that the government began to undermine the traditional family, as well as undermine personal responsibility. With those two traditional social institutions under assault, how could societal degradation not occur?