
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

Korla Pundit5/29/2009 10:05:31 pm PDT

Ah, yes. Peggy Noonan.

This BS line that it’s people on the right who need to “grow up” is now the standard fallback from all of these supposed “conservatives” who endorsed and voted for Obama. Boy are their faces red. Or should be.

Now that the early evidence is flooding in that Obama is already one of the worst Presidents ever, the intolerant intellectuals who embraced “the imaginary moderate” all have to make Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh look like the small-minded exclusionists who made them do it.

But it was small-tent thinking that made such brilliant luninaries as Noonan sickened at the notion of having Sarah Palin on the ticket, and not because of her religion. It was because of her class. It’s all about class for the Noonans and the Powells and the Buckleys of the world. Palin should have known her place.

They just hate proles. I guess they never noticed that Reagan was one, too.

And so, they supported the most statist candidate to ever run for the Presidency. Even though the GOP nominated John McCain, perhaps the most centrist, reaching-across-the-aisle, inclusionary man who ever pushed out the right-wing base. Are our memories so short? Peggy, you had a chance to vote for Mr. Center himself, and you rejected him in favor of a redistributionist with corrupt, criminal, racist and terrorist connections, and absolutely no job history.

Peggy, congratulations on how mature you think you are. But we will all remember at the end of Obama’s Presidency, when we’re picking up the pieces of our lives, the people who put him there.