
Ron Paul!

Idle Drifter4/15/2009 7:17:35 pm PDT

re: #633 Killgore Trout

Flat Tax is usually a combination of sales tax and income tax. Western Europe has it on a progressive scale so people who earn more pay a higher percentage. It’s “flat” because there are no deductions for things like mortgage interest, business expenses, health care, etc. Eastern Europe has some countries with a true flat tax where everyone pays the same rate regardless on income.
“fair tax” is national sales tax with no income taxes. It’s a completely bogus and repeatedly debunked system that will not work although people keep pushing it anyways. The government looked into it a while ago and the numbers just don’t work.

I heard mention of a 23% national sales tax except on eccentials little more than 15 minutes ago. That is bat shit crazy and it’ll kill the economy. Whatever the eccentials are that group will shrink in size so the Government could reclaim lost tax revenue as people just simply stop buying more and more goods.