
And Now for a Baby Sumatran Orangutan

kansas7/03/2009 7:26:54 am PDT

re: #432 3 wood

Good morning.

Yesterday the Dow dropped 2.6% and the S&P 500 dropped 2.9% on news of increasing unemployment. The pace of destroyed jobs picked up month to month.

This was the biggest drop in the market on the last trading day before the 4th of July in 5 decades. Just think about that, half a century, 50 years. The Dem’s are in charge of everything, Bush is gone, the Dem’s have it all their way, and yet we had this biggest drop in 5 decades.

The evidence is becoming undeniable to all but the delusional that Obama’s economic policies have been a failure.

Job losses turn up heat on Obama

This is the same guy who said he was going to create/save 2, no, 3 million jobs. He’s now 5.6 million jobs below that and counting.

And yet they still want to nationalize health care and adopt Cap and Trade.

At some point the light may dawn on these socialists that government does not create economic growth, private business does.

I wonder how long it will take for the voters to wake up?

Gallup has him at 60% approval on the handling of the economy. Course that could be the affirmative action portion kicking in where they spot him 40%.//