
Overnight Open

realwest4/13/2009 6:52:00 am PDT

re: #612 alegrias Good morning alegrias - yes, as I said twice yesterday, Obama was smart enough to give the military the authorization it needed to save Captain Phillips life and then HE GOT OUT OF THE WAY - no micromanaging this situation from Obama. For that he does indeed deserve our thanks and congratulations.
And if you don’t think his non-micromanaging this was a BIG benefit, just remember “Slick” Bill Clinton and HIS micromanaging of the BlackHawk Down in Mogadushu and his same micromanaging of the situation in DR after that.
It’s a SMART POTUS who lets the military take care of the military’s obligations and at least Obama did give the go ahead and clarified for the Captain of the Bainbridge just what the ROE were.