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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/21/2010 8:29:11 pm PDT

Looks like the Dem wanting Dodd’s seat is going to get “Smackdown”-ed :

Conn. Republicans endorse McMahon for US Senate

Connecticut Republicans have endorsed former World Wrestling Entertainment executive Linda McMahon for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Democrat Chris Dodd.

McMahon says she’s going to “lay the smackdown” on Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal in November. Blumanthal received the Democratic party’s endorsement for the Senate seat earlier Friday.

This should be interesting.

Will McMahon get any support from the wingnuts? She is pro-choice and not really anti-Obama. Indeed, in a recent poll of sports fans, WWE fans turned out to be more likely partisan to the Democratic Party.