
Bloomberg on Anti-Mosque Movement: 'Unfair and Un-American'

elbruce8/24/2010 10:10:35 pm PDT

re: #647 swamprat

It was always said that war got us out of the depression.

That equals stimulus-type spending.

We never came out of the depression on our own. We fell into a war, and it disappeared.

Many accuse nations of starting a war to gt out of dept or depression.

But noting a fact, doesn’t place you in the “for” column.

You listed it under “solutions.” Anybody who would propose a war just for side effects shouldn’t just lose elections, they should be instantly deported to the darkest depths of Hell.

Above in this very thread I’ve discussed extensively with Dark_Falcon the narrative that WWII fixed the Great Depression. I posted a number of charts showing steady and solid growth throughout the 30’s, with the economy by 1940 almost as back to being good as it was in ‘28. I think the results were inconclusive overall, but the narrative doesn’t really stand by itself.

But even if you think that war fixes economies, it’s possible to give total state control over to production without doing it for the purpose of killing people; just start supporting communists.