
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Trump Signs an Order Denying Asylum to Muslims Fleeing ISIS

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/28/2017 9:26:35 am PST

re: #648 Citizen K

The man himself is ugly, weak, a deformity. Maybe under his standards he should get the fuck out of the country too.

Holy fucking shit, what the fuck has happened to this fucking country.

This has periodically happened in our history. Sometimes it hasn’t been pretty. Whiskey Rebellion, Slavery, Know Nothings, Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, Gilded Age, Civil Rights Movement, Feminist Movement, LGBT Movement, &c.

Those who wish to follow the dictate of a “more perfect Union” usually have to deal with the anchor of fear and bigotry tied around an ankle (sometimes two ankles, shackles, and batons).