
Overnight Open Thread

Kosh's Shadow6/01/2009 7:37:07 am PDT

re: #641 johnnyreb

Both GE and Westinghouse have cookie cutter designs approved for production right now with the NRC. They could build these things by the dozens for a fraction of the cost of what it cost to build one in the 1960s and 70s. Problem is, the enviros and the wackos toss lawsuit after lawsuit at them when they get the greenlight to build one. If we removed those obstacles, we could have over 75% of our electric being generated by nukes in a little over 25 years.

We could also be building a whole bunch of super clean gas fired plants all over the place as we have proven reserves of natural gas that will last the next couple of hundred years. Natural gas is almost as clean as Nukes. But we don’t do that either. Man are we stupid!

Yes, the envirowackos sue, delaying construction by 10 years (meanwhile, the utility is paying interest on equipment it has bought; legal fees; etc.)
Then they point out that it is “uneconomical”. The environmental groups should have to put up a bond if they keep fighting, that goes to the utility for their losses, if they win.