
Overnight Ocean

Claire11/30/2009 12:41:01 pm PST

re: #651 Obdicut

It’s not a canard if I can see for myself photos of the actual stations in each town right next to a house! One of the stations is in somebody’s backyard is covered in vines and is being used a a bird-feeder. My point is that the scientists have been lamenting that there are not enough data-gathering points. I believe the comment about not being able to predict the recent cooling being a “travesty” by one of the CRU guys was because we need more monitoring points to be able to make better models. We have all these stations, yet it looks to me (in my state at least, maybe unique to the northern hemisphere, I don’t know) that most are less than ideal, so the data from my state is not as robust as it could be and lots of time and effort is being wasted on badly placed stations.

I have no doubt the data crunchers are smart enough to throw out the bad stations, the only thing that bug me is I’m seeing 1940’s data as hot as 2008 data, and I’m wondering why that is. Big fucking deal.

So my talking points are:
The stations mostly show warming, though not exactly hockey-stick like.
We need more and better stations.

Ooohhh, sounds just like DENIAL!!! I’m a tool!