
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/23/2009 4:10:32 pm PST

re: #648 Guanxi88

And I’ve been making the broader point about the use of the images of Mao in contemporary America. Warhol’s use is one instance, but does not exhaust the range of possibilities or instances to which I have been referring.

Given that you made a stupidly sweeping statement, yes, I understand you were making a completely wrong broader point.

As for whackos at UC Berkeley or elsewhere - to the extent they approve or approximate the evil of Mao or any other totalitarian enemy of humanity, they are every bit as shameful as VB, who have at least the decency to attempt to deny their love affair with the evil they embrace.

You have such a bizarre view of what UC Berkeley is like. There aren’t Mao shirts at Berkeley. There are Che shirts. Because that’s fashionable. There really aren’t as many as you think there are, either. And you’re still talking about a vanishingly small, politically impotent bunch of people.

Vlaams Belang is a political party with actual seats at the fucking table in Belgium. They actually have representation in the Belgian legislature.