
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

Walter L. Newton1/30/2010 7:37:59 pm PST

re: #646 Bagua

The reason Weathermen are so prone to AGW scepticism is because they have studied the climate, it is their field. The present “Climatologists” are cross-overs from other fields, Climate Science as a discipline is to new for any of them to have studied climate science in university unless they studied meteorology to work as Weathermen or researchers.

The wheels are coming off of the AGW alarmism as we are coming to understand more and more about the real state of the science, so it is no surprise to see the hysterics from the true believers.

It’s becoming more and more evident that while a lot of people were not watching, the AGW science was hijacked by “scientist” who had more of a political and monetary interest then in any interest in solid science.

The High Priest of climate science Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, The head of the UN’s climate change panel, has become an embarrassment to many scientist who have a honest interest in the problem of AGW.