
Police Investigate Rep. Weiner's Contact with 17-Year Old Girl

Decatur Deb6/11/2011 9:30:28 am PDT

re: #626 Obdicut

Yep. And I think in the US we’ve largely lost our way in terms of respecting profit for profit’s sake, instead of wanting to make profits do to things of actual value, things that contribute to society.

My grandfather was proud of the boats he built, of the machines he made, because they were things of value.

These days, we treat assholes who make their money through spewing racism as though they’re somehow smart or clever by doing so, and we treat people who make money through financial instruments which literally do nothing positive for anyone else, as though they’re awesome and worthy of respect.

One of the reasons I consider myself a conservative is that I think many of the problems in the US are values problems; I think we need to go back to the idea that making money should be based on making things of actual value.

Shit, at least most of the robber barons built railroads, irrigated desert, ran ferry lines, made steel. Obviously financial speculators have been around forever but these days their importance is all outsized.

Call that a 7/8ths ding. Why do you think concern for values is “conservative”?