
Overnight Open Thread

Afrocity2/19/2009 5:38:44 am PST

re: #116 x-wing

I’d love to find a compomise on this issue. But in no way seek a middle ground. I beleive life begins at conception, while Sen. Fienstein thinks it’s when the baby takes it’s first breath. I can grudgingly agree to a 4-6 week period,but no more than that, unless the mothers life is in danger.

I believe that life begins at conception but I am pro-choice. I am saying that until women come together and stop letting this issue divide us, we will always dilute our power. All women should not think one way. That is unrealistic. Liberals have hijacked feminism and there needs to be a movement that provides common ground. That we are all women who don’t want to be treated like shit.