
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

Dragonwolf2/19/2009 1:54:46 pm PST

re: #436 Gus 802

Science is not based on faith. Science is based on observations and empirical evidence which you might call “facts on the ground.” When the Apollo 8 moon shot was being planned it was based on the accumulated knowledge from a variety of scientific fields. The basic foundation of this being mathematics.

If you think that science is a religion then I can only assume that you believe that mathematics is a religion based on faith. Evolution is a wide field that is not limited to your own limited knowledge of the particular science.

If you can show me the ‘observations and empirical evidence’ of the temperature at the core of the sun, I will withdraw my statement.

Mathmatics is still evolving. While it is very good, it is not yet the final answer.