
Live Video: President Obama Speaks on Counterterrorism Policies

Blind Frog Belly White5/23/2013 11:50:37 am PDT

re: #55 stabby

a problem with the Republicans is that they need to keep a obvious distinction between their ideas and the President’s. So if his speech covers every reasonable argument, then the Republicans will only be left with crazy, mindless bullshit.

The Republicans ARE only left with crazy, mindless bullshit.

Economics? Tax cuts, starving the poor, and the Confidence Fairy.

The Environment? “Drill, baby drill”, “Global Warming is the biggest hoax since the invention of the word ‘hoax’!”, celebrating the demise of Fisker and Solyndra, etc.

Foreign Policy? More and bigger wars, bomb Iran, bomb North Korea, bomb Syria, but also bomb the Syrian Opposition. Oh, and out-crazy the craziest, most extreme right-wing Israelis on Israel.

I forget who said it, but it’s no longer a party, it’s a death cult.