
A Great YouTube Find: Keith Jarrett's European Quartet Live at NDR Jazz Workshop

Dr Lizardo2/22/2014 5:43:28 pm PST

If you Lizards out there in the intertubes have a desk to flip, now would be a good time to limber up and get ready. Take a gander at what the Ugandan Minister for Ethics & Integrity had to say:

The Right Reverend Father Simon Lokodo, the current State Minister for Ethics & Integrity in Uganda, claims men raping girls is natural, and seems to imply heterosexual rape is morally preferable to consensual homosexual activity.

Father Lokodo claims to have several degrees in theology, and apparently considers himself to be a good Christian man defending his country from the imaginary scourge of homosexuality.

A degree in theology? From where? The Church of Satan? Scratch that….even Satanists wouldn’t suggest that kind of bullshit.