
The Always Disgusting Jim Hoft: Elliot Rodger Was "Another Far Left Mass Murderer"

Lidane5/25/2014 12:35:54 pm PDT

If your first response to a mass shooting involves:

1. Checking the shooter’s voter registration/voting records to make a blanket political statement about them

2. Saying anything like, “I understand where he’s coming from because women hurt my feelings too!”

3. Questioning the official story as a government false flag/librul plot/Obama conspiracy

4. Excusing his actions as a display of mental illness instead of his rampant misogyny and narcissism


4. Trying to find a reason why his carefully researched, by-the-book gun purchases weren’t legal

Then you are part of the problem. It’s as simple as that.

Of course, since Sandy Hook couldn’t change the debate about guns in this country, this story won’t either. People will just find a way to blame the women he killed for their own deaths, or they’ll just call him crazy and move on, or whatever. Nothing is going to change after this at all.