
Allen West Repeats His Claim That Obama Is an Enemy of the US

weststpaulbear2/19/2015 11:54:18 am PST

re: #33 Kragar

Of course now it has set a legal precedent

The foaming wingnut frenzy this sets off is going to be unreal. This is going to be Alabama squared.

PS: CPAC has banned the log cabin republicans.

“The American Conservative Union has the right to invite or not invite whoever they want to the Conservative Political Action Conference, but they should be honest about the reasons why. The ACU is fond of hiding behind a fig leaf stating gay people are welcome as guests, but the ability to buy a ticket to CPAC was never what our debate was about; indeed, I will be attending CPAC, as will hundreds of other Log Cabin Republicans members and supporters. Make no mistake: LCR is actively being prohibited from sponsoring CPAC.

A quick warning: The link is to a gay news site called Joe My God, which has some ads that aren’t safe for work (although it’s not much worse than all of the boob ads that come up on LGF).

Other than for the love of money, I can’t see why any gay man would want to be associated with the republican party, let alone want to attend CPAC. As a gay man, I find it unbelievable.