
Former DNI James Clapper: US Institutions Are Under Assault by Donald Trump

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/14/2017 1:41:10 pm PDT

re: #64 caseyjr

So RawStory picked up the Louise Mensch / Claude Taylor Indictment/Impeachment tale.

Louise Mensch is known for deleting her “less than accurate” predictions to give her a seemingly good track record.

Over on Twitter, she was being dragged over her FISA court assertion as an example of how she doesn’t understand how the US Constitution works (she claimed the Supremacy Clause grants the FISA court powers to set up grand juries and issue indictments).

Even if the FISA court had grand jury and indictment powers (it doesn’t), that has nothing to do with the Supremacy Clause (regarding the order of precedence of US laws and governance).