
Natalia Lafourcade: "María la Curandera"

Targetpractice6/09/2024 9:24:52 pm PDT

re: #53 Vicious Babushka

She’s gonna go work at The Intercept now, isn’t she?

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“The truth”? The truth is that the experiments were designed to help address a zoonotic parasitic disease that affects humans where dogs are the natural reservoir (i.e. creatures that parasites grow and breed in) and sand flies are the vectors (i.e. creature that spreads the parasites). The hypothesis being tested (in layman’s terms) was if the sand flies are more attracted to infected dogs than uninfected dogs. And there are fewer variables to consider (age, health, disease, etc) with juvenile lab animals than there are with adults.

The truth is also that the Repubs making the biggest noise about this “scandal” were either silent or made excuses when one of their own proudly boasted about blasting a puppy with a shotgun because she couldn’t control it.