
ElBaradei: 'I'm Not Taking Sides' on the Destruction of Israel

Irenike2/02/2009 10:50:14 am PST

Let’s see. This is tough. The reason we don’t worry about Japan right now is because they’re not evil anymore. Iran is. Japan used to be an evil empire, and we fixed that with a couple of nukes.

Notice how this guy believes that if Iran has weapons like everybody else, their self-esteem will be in better shape. They’ll feel better about everything. They won’t attack anybody else because, by some magical process, uh, they just won’t. And if they attack Israel, oh well.

The left is convincing itself that Iran with nukes is no big deal. The left will not take a stand on Israel’s survival. Obama, from what I can see, is on the same page as ElBaradei. Mark my words, President O is going to sell Israel down the river, because like ElBaradei, he doesn’t think a nuclear Iran is a big deal, and a nuked Israel isn’t really in his pay grade.