
Obama Suddenly Worried About Freeing Gitmo Terrorists

Diamond Bullet2/02/2009 11:52:54 am PST

Pop quiz, hot shot. You have to decide which recruitment tool to deny crazed Muslim terrorists. It’s up to you do figure out which scenario will likely be less appealing to the knuckle-draggers. What do you do? What do you DO?

1) “Come to balmy Afghanistan, where you can sleep on goat trails and get fragged by silent Predator drones controlled by the greatest military in the history of human warfare. Of the 11 other pre-martyrs in your civilian death squad, no two will speak the same language, you’ll be using AK-47s older than your parents, and the first time you become aware of a United States Marine it will likely be in that eerie silence between being struck by a .50 caliber round and when the report of the sniper rifle echoes across the valley to your supine corpse.”


2) “Come to friendly NYC, where you can dress up like a woman in your burqa and blow up pizzerias and subway stations because under American ‘political correctness’ nobody can question your death cult ways. If caught, prepare to be defended by a squadron of ‘American’ Civil Liberty Union attorneys before being released back into the wild in one of Obama’s patented ‘Upholding the Constitution’ terrorist release programs. Return to your country of origin courtesy of a first class ticket on the Arabic airline of your choice, whereupon you can use your accumulated stature to recruit others to attack the Great Satan on its home turf.”

Boy, being a big-boy President sure is hard, Mr. Obama!