
Totten: The Future of Iraq, Part II

lawhawk6/01/2009 11:08:06 am PDT

re: #51 thedopefishlives

And yet the 9/11 “truth” crowd does exactly this every day they continue to spew their idiocy.

And I get to see Ground Zero every workday, riding the PATH and having a bird’s eye view of the former Deutsche Bank building and Ground Zero out my office window (and folks wonder why I’m constantly reporting on the Rebuilding of Ground Zero in my multipart series).

These $@^$@%^$#@ dishonor the memories of all those who were murdered not only on 9/11, but the six people murdered by the terrorists in February 1993 and the more than 1,000 injured in those attacks.

And yet, there are people who are trying to claim that the four men in the synagogue bomb plot and the Stewart Airport missile attack plot are just dupes who were conned into going along - that this is part of some ginned up government operation to show that they’re cracking down on terrorists and improving security.

That was the headline on today’s NY Metro.

Are ‘Bronx bombers’ FBI’s hapless dupes?
Critics charge gov’t with setting up witless men for slam dunk cases

Sure, witless men who are prone to calling for jihad against the US and who had no problem going along with the plot.

And for this, law enforcement gets smeared for doing its job to protect Americans from possible attack.