
Crack in the Far Right World

What, me worry?8/21/2010 7:16:14 pm PDT

re: #47 Jetpilot1101

It is becoming more and more apparent to me that the choices that will be offered in November on both sides are going to royaly suck. On one hand I’ve got a Congress, (Repub and Dem) spending like drunken sailors in Bangkok and on the other hand, I’ve got a bunch of loony candidates telling me they’ll make it all better. I really would appreciate a sane individual taking a principled stand so I’d have someone to support.

See, I know lots of Democrats that don’t suck. In fact, far from sucking, I like them a whole lot. U.S. Senator Bill Nelson. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Congressman Kendrick Meek. Lots more. Hopefully Alex Sink will become governor. All Floridians heh, but we have very good Dems here.

There’s this fellow running to take Meek’s seat when he leaves, Scott Galvin. I really like him just reading about him. He’s getting popular, but it’s a huge race for that seat, like 10 people.

Oh and he’s out of the closet.