
Keith Jarrett Solo: Don't Worry 'Bout Me

Gus9/18/2010 5:57:55 pm PDT

Incoming! Anyone post this yet?

Suspect sets fire to house, surrenders in Texas standoff, police say

(CNN) — A man accused of shooting a civilian and two law enforcement officers turned himself in after setting his home on fire Saturday afternoon, Texas police said.

Victor White, 55, faces two counts of attempted capital murder, and Trooper John Barton of the state Department of Public Safety said more charges were possible as the investigation continues. White turned himself in about 2 p.m., almost a day after police say he shot the three men on his property in west Odessa.

“Just after setting his house on fire for some reason we don’t know at this time, he walked toward one of our law enforcement armored vehicles and gave himself up,” Barton said.

White was taken to Medical Center Hospital where he was being treated for burns.

Though authorities are still trying to determine what precipitated the incident, Barton said police allege White has links to white supremacist organizations and to the separatist group Republic of Texas, which was involved in 1997’s Fort Davis Resort standoff.

White’s 3- to 4-acre property was littered with trash and included a trailer, abandoned vehicles and a dirt mound, which Barton described as fortress-like and equipped with trenches and “fighting positions.”

“He pretty much lived off the grid,” Barton said.
