
GOP Front Group Runs Ad in Nevada Telling Latinos Not to Vote

Walter L. Newton10/18/2010 9:28:49 pm PDT

re: #45 SanFranciscoZionist

I’m almost hoping for someone to turn up and defend this, just so I can get a little insight. Who the hell runs an ad outright telling people not to vote?

Here’s something from the group themselves…

Latinos for Reform is headed by Robert Deposada, a political consultant and former director of Hispanic affairs for the Republican National Committee. The group posted an English-language version of the commercial on its website.

Deposada told Politico the ad was born from frustration with the Democrats’ failure to deliver immigration reform. The ad will air in targeted states that Deposada said includes Nevada.

Deposada told Politico he could not ask Hispanics to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, either. He said her position on immigration is “completely irresponsible.”

The “don’t vote” ad would not be the first provocative message delivered by Latinos for Reform. In 2008 it aired ads charging that Obama would put African Americans before Latinos.