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What, me worry?7/16/2011 7:29:13 pm PDT

re: #53 CuriousLurker

How about #CluelessTweets?

Earlier today I tweeted:

About 2 hours later a lizard said I should retweet that to the Shrieking Harpy and send her into paroxysms of gin-fueled paranoi. I just sat there *blinking* with NO CLUE what was being referred to, then it s-l-o-w-l-y dawned on me: aramture, wires, muslim, ELEVENTY!1!! *facepalm*

I almost fell lout of my chair laughing. (The armature, wires and masking tape were for a clay sculpture, or so I claimed.)

That was pretty funny. I didn’t think of it at all. Of course, I could talk crafts for days as you may have guessed!