
Astounding: FL Lt. Gov. Bashes Science and Evolution, Calls for Christian Theocracy

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin9/23/2011 11:11:35 am PDT

re: #59 chunkymonkey

And yet the fact remains that Christians “leading the country” does not a theocracy make.

Rwnj Christian paranoia about ANYONE else in power is legendary…in some cases it dates back to when we did have little theocracies here, in the form of Massachussetts Bay Colony, Virginia, and a host of our-kind-of-chrisianity-only-or-else colonies.

We have a history of Christian crankjobbery here; these people like Carroll are just continuing it.

JFK was a Christian, IIRC. Was the USA a theocracy when he lead the country? President Obama is a Christian, is the USA a theocracy now while he is leading it?

Need better examples, pls. Kennedy almost didn’t get elected because he was the wrong kind of Christian, according to these same people’s forebears. Barack Obama is considered a Muslim outsider by some of these same times, among others.