
Kansas City Firefighter Restrains Violent Attacker on Plane

The Ghost of a Flea12/30/2011 3:32:31 pm PST

New Haven Independent has the story of what happened at Occupy New Haven.

And DKos has posted an update:

I think security is heightened a bit - more Yale security at the perimeter. Danielle says the New Haven police are in full support of their movement and she feels safe. The police responded quickly and “we appreciated that”

There’s a mighty dumb and highly dinged post saying “a gun without serial numbers sounds like something a terrorist would do.” Which is just bloody weird in terms of how crime-trope unsavvy the posters must be…40 someodd people who’ve never watched a Law & Order.

The pukka “1% conspiracy” thing is getting pushback though, as of 95 comments.