
AZ Gov. Brewer Angrily Lectures President Obama

simoom1/26/2012 10:33:58 am PST

Based on the video of the encounter I actually don’t think the President even thought much of it. He’s not animated or upset but appears to maintain a smile. He, being much taller, repeatedly leans over and turns his ear to her so he can hear her over the jet engines. He doesn’t walk away from her, as the three person official greeting delegation is standing side by side. After many minutes of conversation he, still smiling, shakes the next persons hand and he continues chatting among them all.

I just get the impression that, after that pool photo was released, her team decided to milk this for all it was worth, so she went to the local press, then right wing radio, then Fox and then even did an night-time press avail on it, blowing the whole thing from a cordial greeting/exchange into the equivalence of some international incident.

This sort of seems to be her M.O. with the President. Her White House meeting turned from something she initially positively described, into the President condescendingly, pretending to honestly engage her, but she could see through him! Their friendly encounter at the shooting memorial became a snubbing in her book. Apparently this is the latest example of the President arrogantly condescending to her (almost through his very existence it seems).