
Tuesday Night Mind-Warp: Li Hongbo: Statues in Motion

Backwoods Sleuth2/26/2014 9:50:06 am PST

re: #655 Feline Fearless Leader

I planted dill last year and am going to increase the crop this year. I like it with fish and also got and used dill seed as well as a spice on a few things.

And also found a recipe for a nice sauce for topping salmon with:
Freshly minced dill; 2 tsp Dijon mustard; 1/4 sour cream or yogurt; squirt of fresh lemon juice. Stir together and then refrigerate for 1-2 hours before serving.

Thanks for the recipe!
I also grow dill (one small field next to the house is almost exclusively herbs).
Every Spring I have volunteer dill, cilantro and mustards popping up all over the place.