
Overnight Ocean

winemaker11/30/2009 1:45:41 pm PST

re: #654 Charles

Oh come on. I don’t have 1000 hours to become a global warming expert.

I did, however, sit through way too many college classes where guys with “professor” name tags told me the way the world worked, based upon obviously deficient facts, and almost uniformily preached cold war disarmanent, etc. Only 20 years laters did I learn that they were Leftists first, teachers second. It was propaganda.

Same thing in graduate school; the Leftists teachers were a bit more brazen, they called themselves “CLS”. Pure propaganda.

A multi billion dollar worldwide organization with immunity, advised a couple of years ago that certain facts were a “slam dunk.” The CIA was wrong, there were no WMD’s, and politics may have been a factor in their bad science.

So I guess I wear the “skeptic” badge with honor. Certainly not a global warming denier — the globe is warming!

Winemaker the proud skeptic