
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

Salamantis5/05/2009 6:23:37 pm PDT

re: #542 Simply Me

Hi Salamantis,

Your argument doesn’t actually make sense because I am only advocating what was the law 50 years ago. Are you claiming that 50 years ago the USA was “puritanical collectivism, and totalitarian moral imperialism”?

And besides, two of the three issues I raised are currently illegal in the USA. What you are advocating is to abolish existing laws about marijuana and marriage.

You are taking an extreme ideological position for the short term desires of the individual against the long term good of the society. That is not conservative. Conservatives tread cautiously and recognize that there will be unintended consequences of their actions.

I can see that you could get together a coalition of pot smokers, people who wanted to have abortions and gays and lesbians with some other people with unusual sexual preferences, each agreeing to support the others “liberty” at the expense of the greater society, but I don’t think that will really help the Republican Party.

I am seeing this is about conservative theory versus libertarian ideology.

What is eminently unconservative is to abandon and forsake the conservative stance’s traditional alignment with the individual personal freedom to make one’s own private life decisions, and instead to embrace the legislation of collectivist moral mandates upon vast masses of unwilling citizens in such matters.