
Obama Speaks Before Signing Spending Bill

yma o hyd2/17/2009 1:40:34 pm PST

re: #617 eschew_obfuscation

Livingstone is already out - thanks to Boris Johnson, Tory, natch …

There was a brief peiv=ce in one of the papers about how there are no more so-called ‘high-flyers’, i.e. young and coming civil servants, applying for jobs in the private offices of the NuLab ministers - and they also are said to moan that the top civil servants are dragging their feet in regard to implementing thei policies - whereas the same civil servants are now psending far more time briefing the Tory shdow cabinet.
Which means, translated for the man in the street, that the election will be coming sooner rather than later - and that those ‘in the know’ are pretty damn sure it’ll be the Tories who’ll get in.