
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

Buck6/02/2009 12:58:01 pm PDT

re: #644 avanti

One viable fetus that could survive outside the womb, or not endanger the health of the mother would be too many. That’s why the courts allow restriction or a outright ban. In Tillers case, two doctors had to agree on the need.

Right, and we have witnesses that say he didn’t use an independent doctor, but instead used a doctor who was not practicing except to rubber stamp Tiller’s requests.

We have witnesses that will say under oath that they had a third term abortion, in the clinic and that their ‘fetus’ was viable.

ANYWAY, before anyone gets the wrong idea, I am in no way advocating murder. However I can state my feeling that what Tiller did was disgusting.
ALSO please don’t connect a womans right to choose, with late third term abortions.

I fully support what is commonly being called choice. I also support the rule of law.

I would have preferred that Tiller faced the justice of that rule of law.