
Obama's BP Speech

Ojoe6/15/2010 8:54:55 pm PDT

The economical way to go with solar electric right now is with
Net Metering
which feeds the photovoltaic energy into the electric grid via an inverter and a cut off switch. The system runs your electric meter backwards when it can and it can make your electric bill zero. And, you do not have to buy batteries.

For those who complain about high solar costs, I shall point out the current cost of the oil spill, how many billions is that; and in addition, the military costs of oil; buying oil from the Saudis funds our enemies: indirectly, but in a real way, 9-11 and the subsequent war on terror is attributable to our oil addiction, these costs are never factored in but had the Wahabbis been poor caravaners over a sea of sand, they’d never have been able to fund OBL.