
Von Brunn and the BNP

eaglewingz086/12/2009 8:19:49 am PDT

“The responsible white separatist community” is a laughable disconnect said without insight or irony by these hateful individuals. It would be sort of like Bellatrix Black Lestrange saying, ‘the responsible death eater community.’
I just note the wonder in how in just two days the murderous racist
VB has been outed as a socialist democrap. This guy is going to drop off lib democraps’ radar screens faster ‘than purveyors of the ‘the frog march the torture memos guys’ after Nancy Pelousy’s meltown. Then all of a sudden, VB will be a lone gunman and his views have no bearing on the views of any other lib/progressive group. And the same groups that always claim that muslim murderer terrorists have ‘distorted islam’ and/or ‘don’t represent islam’ are the same libtards who when some nutcase does evil, and for whom they can show two lines in his writings that mimic some conservative policy positions (despite a thousand other lines showing connections to libtard thinking) he/she is automatically labelled representative of conservatism, hard line, extremist conservatism or republicanism, and that republicans and conservatives are a clear and present danger to the republic. Yet we never hear the same arch or extreme tags ever placed on killers and murderers on the left. Some might call that bias, but the leftwing media remains blissfully sure of its own
perfect objectivity.