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ciaospirit1/05/2009 5:54:02 pm PST

I really despise Obama. Creating fear as often as possible so he can get his socialism in place. We are not anywhere near the great depression but that doesn’t stop him from throwing it around to keep the American people in a constant state of fear. Has anything really changed in your neck of the woods? Nothing has changed where I live. The lines at Kohl’s were long. People spending money like there’s no depression. Same at the Japanese restaurant I went to. And not cheap. Packed. The country is in such dire straights, yet Durbin managed somehow to find enough money to throw a huge party.

Obama has insisted that bold and quick action is necessary if the nation is to rebound from the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. He has said repeatedly he wants a plan that will create 3 million new jobs.

The economic teams of new presidents often work behind the scenes with congressional leaders before their administrations move in, but Obama’s direct and public involvement is highly unusual.

He arrived Sunday night in Washington and spent all of Monday at the Capitol before returning to the hotel where he has set up shop for the two weeks before his inauguration.

Later Obama attended a party at Bobby Van’s restaurant, thrown by Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the body’s second ranking Democrat, for new members of the House and Senate and the Chicago press corps.

And so much for one President at a time.

Obama, who takes office two weeks from Tuesday, has said there can be only one president at a time — and he repeated that principle Monday “when it comes to foreign affairs.” But when it comes to the floundering economy, he clearly feels he cannot sit by until the swearing-in.

“The reason we are here today is because the people’s business cannot wait,” Obama said as he arrived on Capitol Hill.