
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel8/14/2009 7:02:59 am PDT

re: #565 Pianobuff

Ice: Wondering what you think of Obama’s decision to come out with a few principles vis a vis healthcare but to stay way far outside of the legislative process.

I understand this was done to avoid what many believe killed Hillarycare… drafting all of the legislation and “dropping” it onto Congress.

Do you think Obama has too hands off, just right, or too hands on the legislative side of things?

Given a do-over, how would you have advised him?

Hey Pianobuff—
I agree that the strategy here was to avoid everything that tanked Hillarycare— shove it all off onto Congress rather than producing a plan and forcing it through.

Notice also that Obama is a HUGE fan of that strategy in general. He does it with practically everything. It’s a way for him to avoid getting his hands dirty or taking responsibility.

I think Obama is too hands off (but as mentioned, this is how he ALWAYS is, and it’s how he prefers to govern).

I also think that in general the Dems are always like this. They roll over for everything and make a fetish of bipartisanship.
They have a supermajority. They should act like it. It’s disgusting that the end of life consults are now gone, and it bodes ill for any substantial changes.