
NPR: Maj. Hasan 'Freaked Out' Other Doctors at Walter Reed

Cato the Elder11/06/2009 3:59:54 pm PST

re: #642 Sharmuta

First- try the reply and quote buttons.

Second- you’re assuming he showed signs to other muslims that he was troubled, and we have no idea if that’s the case at all. There are numerous other examples of sociopathic killing sprees where friends, relatives and neighbors were not aware there were issues with the killer, so trying to blame his religious community for not stopping him is a bit of a reach.

Yeah, right. His colleagues were freaked out by him, called him a douchebag or whatever, but everyone else around him thought he smelled like a rose.

Sorry, Sharm, that doesn’t pass the sniff test. Someone in his circle should have dropped a dime on him.

And somebody in the hierarchy should have booted him out of the military. But apparently the best fighting forces in the world can’t afford to fire a third-rate shrink with multiple warnings, one who was described as “disinterested” in his work.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy about the excellent treatment our men and women in uniform can expect. Not.