
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

Dark_Falcon7/14/2012 8:56:58 am PDT

re: #661 Expand Your Ground

This is not meant to appeal to people who “hate capitalism”, ones who “promote class warfare” or ones who are simply “jealous of a successful businessman”.

The target audiences are people who are disillusioned with the state of modern American capitalism because they have found their jobs outsourced by people like Mitt, are struggling to meet mortgage payments, cover costs and put their children through school.

And what was Bain supposed to do? It needs to generate profits and American workers cost too much to produce the needed profit margin while selling at prices Americans were willing to pay. Neither Mitt Romney nor Bain Capital owned any legal loyalty to “the American Worker”, but they did own duties to their investors and outsourcing was how they fulfilled those roles.