
Texas School Board Meeting Live-Blogged

iLikeCandy3/25/2009 7:06:38 pm PDT

re: #575 LudwigVanQuixote

There is also the serious issue that wanting the President to fail in these difficult times means that you hope everything gets worse for America. Love Obama or hate him, if he fails as president, then this country will suffer for it.

The short form of it is that Republicans who say this would rather have America suffer for their own political gain then America succeed under someone else. To say that this is unpatriotic would be an understatement. It shows where these people place their priorities and frankly means that they serve themselves before they serve America.

Dare I say that this is a disqualification from office?

Stop stop STOP. Since when is it that wanting Obama to fail means that you want America to fail? My friend, we are a nation of laws, not men. Equating Obama with the nation is what the Democrats misguidedly do in their cultish thralldom.

Obama has awful schemes on American and I want him to fail at them: I want him to be strong-armed into accepting a conservative agenda, or at least into compromising with it. I want him to fail on socializing health care, punishing industry and consumers with climate control taxes, and handing us over to our enemies abroad. He comes into office with big ideas about how he’s going to “heal” us and “change” us and transform the world. I want the bastard to fail at all this and cave to the Paul Ryans and Michele Bachmanns. I want David Petraeus to thrash him into breaking his promises to get us out of Iraq by some date on the calendar, and I want him to fail on his dumbass pledge to meet personally, without preconditions, with the worst tyrants on the planet. I want him busted out of office by 2012 at the latest with an EPIC FAIL sign taped to his back while Democrats wail and gnash their teeth and America wipes its brow and says “Phew! Close call.”