
Creationist Texas Governor Takes Early Lead

Gus3/02/2010 11:16:20 pm PST

re: #656 albusteve

of course it’s not the ‘fault’ of the unions…the fault lies with the voters that elect people that cut the deals that bankrupt the state…and sinse the voters are too stupid for their own good, the other parties tap the tax money for their benefit…you don’t really think the CAEA gives a fuck about ABCs do you?…the lure of billions to be pocketed trumps education

The California Teachers Association is a teachers union so yes they will look out for their memberships interest. They don’t “pocket” billions even though there is the usual government waste within the California Department of Education as with any other organization including private organizations.

They are also made up of their own membership of teachers and educators so no, I think they do have a strong interest and desire for the teaching profession. This is why many went beyond 4 years to earn a masters degree. Teachers do not get rich in their careers. Only a few break the 100K ceiling and that is in management roles. Retirement benefits are not free either since they pay into their retirement funds from their own pockets.

Frankly, I get tired of hearing how bad education is in this country. I think we have one of the best public education systems in the world overall. People are quick to make allegations that the public school system isn’t teaching anything to our children but you will be hard pressed to find a parent that would identify their own child as being uneducated or undereducated because of their public school education.

Yes, there are problems. With everything. But in this case it’s unrealistic to blame teachers unions and then to assume that by getting rid of teachers unions that it will result in the magical fixing of those problems in society that we all share a responsibility to a great extent.