
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

Mich-again7/14/2012 9:01:40 am PDT

re: #661 Expand Your Ground

This is not meant to appeal to people who “hate capitalism”, ones who “promote class warfare” or ones who are simply “jealous of a successful businessman”.

The target audiences are people who are disillusioned with the state of modern American capitalism because they have found their jobs outsourced by people like Mitt, are struggling to meet mortgage payments, cover costs and put their children through school.

While the financial geniuses and corporations were slowly and methodically relocating production facilities and jobs out of America and into the developing world, the unsophisticated, uneducated masses stood by and wondered, hmm, if they move all the jobs overseas, then how will the people still here have any money to buy all those products they want to import here? Now that the wages are climbing in those regions and their infrastructure is limiting growth, all those outsourced operations make less and less business sense. The whole wave of outsourcing and importing was a shortsighted temporary profit “fix” that was never going to be a long-term solution.