
Palin's Attorney Threatening Lawsuits

Greengolem647/06/2009 3:03:00 pm PDT

re: #641 Flyers1974

It seems that your post is a call for more decency in the media realm regarding politicians. Hard to say that is a mean-spirited idea or that it has no merit. But consider, under a lesser standard, could people who have posted that Obama is a socialist be sued successfully? He doesn’t appear to fit the dictionary defintion of a socialist. Nor to my knowledge do any socialist organizations claim him as a socialist. If socialist party leaders were called into court to testify on his behalf, they may well state that Obama is closer to a Republican than a socialist. Would you be prepared to accept a lawsuit such as this, even if Obama eventually lost?


Apples and oranges. And I would argue that he is closer to the definition of a socialist than not. But, that is an opinion…opined by someone…whereas so much of what is being spewed about Palin is out-and-out lies. I have nothing special for or against Palin…it is as you say more a call for more decency in the media. We seem to be swirling down the ‘bowl’ with what is now accepted behavior by the media and those that are on the media periphery.
