
NYT's Revkin Responds to Limbaugh's 'Suicide' Suggestion

Dreader196210/20/2009 8:06:39 pm PDT

re: #644 Conservative Moonbat

It allows more freedom of choice than say, china’s one child policy with forced abortions. No one is being coerced. The manner in which humans reproduce has just been altered. Nobody who who wants kids would be prevented from having them and nobody who doesn’t want kids would suddenly find themselves in an “oh shit” moment.

It does require a municipal authority placing a substance in the water or food supply, but we already do that with fluoride and chlorine.

It’s not a pleasant option but it’s far from the worst.

Even ignoring the side effects (assuming they are dealt with in a sci-fi fashion), the comparison falls apart with flouride and chlorine, which don’t require an ‘antidote’ to counteract. What happens when the antidote runs short? I guess you are assuming that the antidote would be free (to prevent accusations of penalizing the poor); this means dispensed by the government.

I don’t mind people exploring options, but this one falls in the totalitarian realm.