
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

garhighway5/21/2010 7:29:55 am PDT

re: #608 Aceofwhat?

ok. “bloat” = overinflated govt employee salaries and pensions.

remind me why govt clerks need a union again? is the govt an evil private corporate enterprise?

I, too, am steadfastly opposed to bloat.

I also think that some government employees are overpaid. I also think that some private employees are overpaid.

I entirely agree with you on pensions: the way governments at all levels have screwed that up is a scandal the likes of which we have yet to truly understand. It is going to be very, very bad.

As for unions, I would respectfully submit to you that the people best positioned to know whether they need a union are the particular workers involved. The existence of a union isn’t an act of God. It is a response to events on the ground. But the existence of a union does not therefore require that the employer, whether public or private, knuckle under to a bad deal. There’s no law against employers having balls.